A Visit to TeCC in Conjunction with Agreed Minutes Of Meetings Between PSP & Institutions from Medan, Indonesia.

Assalammualaikum and Greetings. 

On 21st March 2019, PSP has received delegates from Medan, Indonesia consisting of:

1. Muhammad Arif, SE, MM 
(Founder of Yayasan Pendidikan Asga Dewi Lubis, Chairman Badan Musyawarah Perguruan Swasta (BMPS) Medan, and Tahsin & Tahfidz Founder of Gema Qur’Ani )
2. Dra. Susmaini (President of Yayasan Pendidikan Triadi Technology)
3. Drs. Zulhanif (Yayasan Pendidikan Triadi Technology)
4. Zulkifli (Yayasan Pendidikan Triadi Technology)
5. Tri Wahyuni, S. SOS (President of Yayasan Perguruan Gajah Mada)
6. Sugiarti, SAG (Yayasan Perguruan Gajah Mada)

Part of the visit is to see the Teaching and Learning strategy used in PSP. The delegation has been brought to Technology-enabled Collaborative Classroom (TeCC) and Ms Ruhil & Mr Syafirul briefed them on CTTL functions and strategy other than sharing the facilities. The delegates were then brought to CTTL Gallery to experience 360 Virtual Reality.